June 17, 2019

Posted: June 14, 2019 | Updated: October 13, 2023





DATE OF MEETING:                                   JUNE 17, 2019








ACT ON THE CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed under the consent agenda will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a request is made prior to the time council votes on the motion.

  1. Approval of the Agenda
  2. Approval of the Claims
  3. Approval of Minutes from June 3, 2019
  1. Approval of Permit for Supervised Display of Fireworks by H&S Motors at 710 2nd Ave SW on July 3, 2019
  2. Approval of Cigarette/Tobacco Permits for Dolgencorp, LLC dba Dollar General #2400
  3. Approval of Tax Abatement under the Urban Revitalization Plan for Paul and Teresa Wolter
  4. Approval of Class C Liquor License (LC) (Commercial) with Sunday Sales to Cuautla Jalisco


STAFF REPORTS: There may be action taken on each of the items listed below.

  1. Public Works
  2. Police
  3. Administration
  4. Committee Updates


BUSINESS:  There may be action taken on each of the items listed below.


  1. Public Hearing for Ordinance No. 478 to Add Chapter 57 to the City of Cresco Code of Ordinances Pertaining to Urban Chickens
  2. First Reading of Ordinance No. 478 Pertaining to Urban Chickens
  3. Public Hearing for Ordinance No. 477 to Amend City of Cresco Code of Ordinances Chapter 55 Pertaining to Livestock in City Limits
  4. First Reading of Ordinance No. 477 Pertaining to Livestock in City Limits
  5. Nick Rissman, Howard County Engineer, to Discuss Vernon Road Project
  6. Resolution Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Enter into a 28E Agreement with Howard County to Pave the Rural Section of Vernon Road within City Limits
  7. Review Quotes and Possible Award of Contract for Excavation Work for July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020
  8. Resolution Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Enter into an Industrial Sewer Rental Agreement with Cresco Food Technologies LLC
  9. Motion to Write Off Uncollectible Accounts Receivable
  10. Resolution Naming Depositories
  11. Resolution Committing Fund Balance Resources for General Funds and Special Revenue Funds (GASB 54)
  12. Resolution Authorizing Transfer of Funds
  13. Recommendation of the Park Board to Reappoint Kris Riley for a Term of Three Years Expiring 6/30/2022
  14. Recommendation of the Park Board to Reappoint Holly O’Brien for a Term of Three Years Expiring 6/30/2022
  15. Set Public Hearing to Amend FY2019/2020 City Budget
  16. Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into a Five Year Sewer Maintenance Contract with Municipal Pipe Tool Company, LLC
  17. Discuss Downtown Sidewalk Issues and Possible Motion to Proceed
  18. Discuss Diseased and Dying Trees on Private Property








Mayor Pro-Tem Bouska called the Cresco City Council meeting to order on June 17, 2019, at 7:00 pm at City Hall. Council Members Brenno, McCarville, Fortune, Bouska and Carman were present. No council members were absent.

Carman made the motion to approve the consent agenda which included approval of the: agenda; claims; minutes of the June 3, 2019 meeting; permit for supervised display of fireworks for H&S Motors on July 3, 2019; Cigarette/Tobacco Permits for Dolgencorp, LLC dba Dollar General #2400; tax abatement under the Urban Revitalization Plan for Paul and Teresa Wolter; Class C Liquor License (LC) (commercial) with Sunday Sales to Cuautla Jalisco. Fortune seconded and it passed all ayes.

Public Works Director Freidhof reported: (a) everyone has been really busy; (b) 2nd Street East is now open. Erosion control will remain for a few more weeks until the grass takes hold; (c) the Stakeholder Report for the Jordan Aquifer was shared with some interesting highlights indicating new users are pulling more water.

Police Chief Ruroden reported there were about 460 tractors in town last week for the Tractorcade and everything went good. They are getting ready for the Fair.

City Clerk Girolamo reported the auditors will be here the week of July 8th. Housing Rehab update is that two houses are close to going out for bids.

Council Member McCarville reported the Airport Commission met and Kevin Schrage is chairman of a committee reviewing quotes and proposals for building a hangar to see if it is feasible.

Library Director Kay reported she is still trying to coordinate with Rod to work on the concrete project. They are updating some of their processes.

Council Member Brenno reported the Park Board is still working with PlanScape Partners on potential upgrades at the Fitness Center for a therapy pool and/or splash pad.

Mayor Pro-Tem Bouska opened the public hearing on the proposed Ordinance No. 478 pertaining to urban chickens. There were no written comments. Duane Omar commented that he did not think livestock should be allowed in city limits. He also voiced concern over the enforcement of the chicken ordinance and the impact it will have for the police department. Gert Wheeler also commented that she did not think chickens should be allowed due to the smell and extra work for the police. Council Member Brenno commented that he was asked why we were allowing six chickens but only three cats or two dogs to which he had no answer. The public hearing was closed. Bouska performed the first reading of Ordinance No. 478. Carman made the motion to approve the first reading of the Summary of Ordinance No. 478. Fortune seconded. Fortune, Carman and McCarville voted aye. Brenno and Bouska voted nay. The motion passed by majority vote.

Mayor Pro-Tem Bouska opened the public hearing on the proposed Ordinance No. 477 pertaining to livestock. There were no written or oral comments and the public hearing was closed. Bouska performed the first reading of Ordinance No. 477. Carman made the motion to approve the first reading of Ordinance No. 477. Fortune seconded. Fortune, Carman and McCarville voted aye. Bouska and Brenno voted nay. The motion passed by majority vote.

Nick Rissman, Howard County Engineer, reported they met with the City’s Public Works Committee and they recommend doing the rural portion of the City’s section of Vernon Road as part of the County’s project. The County would pay the extra cost of tying into the existing street so the City would only pay the cost for a straight section of pavement for about 1600 feet at an estimated cost of just over $200,000. The County will be paying all of the mobilization fees, traffic control, dust control, detour costs, and other costs that they would have incurred without the City’s additional work. The City will reimburse the County for the actual costs incurred above the County’s direct costs. There is a drainage issue that needs to be addressed even if the road is not replaced. The County and City worked together to clean out a plugged culvert which is in good shape so saved the City about $10,000. McCarville made the motion to approve a resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a 28E Agreement with Howard County to pave the rural section of Vernon Road within city limits. Brenno seconded and it passed all ayes.

One quote was received for excavation work for July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 from Mehmert Tiling and was reviewed. Carman made the motion to approve the quote and award the contract to Mehmert Tiling. McCarville seconded and it passed all ayes.

Annually we must update the Industrial Sewer Rental Agreement with CFT. Rates were increased 25% and a few procedures were clarified. CFT will need to attend a council meeting to discuss their proposed expansion before a building permit is issued. Carman made the motion to approve a resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Industrial Sewer Rental Agreement with Cresco Food Technologies LLC. Brenno seconded and it passed all ayes.

Carman made the motion to Write-Off Uncollectible Accounts totaling $1,328.09. Brenno seconded and it passed all ayes

Fortune made the motion to approve a Resolution Naming Depositories. Carman seconded and it passed all ayes.

Brenno made the motion to approve a Resolution Committing Fund Balance Resources for General Funds and Special Revenue Funds (GASB 54). Carman seconded and it passed all ayes.

Total transfers will be under budget however there are a few individual transfers that may be higher than budgeted that need to be approved by Council. The Airport transfer to the Trust will be higher because they did not do the hangar approach project since they did not get the grant. Employee benefit transfers may also be slightly higher than budgeted but the actual amount will not be known until payroll is posted on June 28, 2019. Carman made the motion to approve a Resolution Authorizing Transfer of Funds. Fortune seconded and it passed all ayes.

McCarville made the motion to follow the recommendation of the Park Board to reappoint Kris Riley for a term of three years expiring 6/30/2022. Carman seconded and it passed all ayes.

Carman made the motion to follow the recommendation of the Park Board to reappoint Holly O’Brien for a term of three years expiring 6/30/2022. Fortune seconded and it passed all ayes.

Several big projects did not get finished in this fiscal year including a dump truck purchase, 2nd Street East reconstruction, well re-casing, and building the new Fire building. Therefore, the budget for next fiscal year must be amended so these expenditures can be paid. McCarville made the motion to set the Public Hearing for July 1, 2019 to Amend FY2019/2020 City Budget. Brenno seconded and it passed all ayes.

Municipal Pipe Tool performs annual cleaning and inspecting of lift station and also cure-in-place repairs and televising of the sanitary sewer mains. Carman made a motion to approve a resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into a five year Sewer Maintenance Contract with Municipal Pipe Tool Company, LLC. Brenno seconded and it passed all ayes.

Mark, Rod and Michelle attended the Howard County Supervisor’s meeting last Monday and the Supervisors agreed to work with the City on the sidewalk replacement project and committed to replacing their sidewalk on North Elm Street. They requested that we determine if an ADA compliant parking space could be incorporated into the project. The City now needs commitments from the adjacent property owners that they will replace their sidewalks that will be impacted during the project. McCarville agreed to talk individually to the business owners to explain the project. The proposed project will be reconstructing crosswalks/ped ramps/curb & gutters on North Elm Street from North Park Place to South Park Place. The project will remove four crosswalks and install two new crosswalks across N. Elm. Replacement of the three crosswalks going north and south across S Park Place, N Park Place and 2nd Ave W would be included. All ped ramps will be ADA compliant and curb and gutters replaced. Carman made the motion to proceed with the project. McCarville seconded and it passed all ayes.

PWD Freidhof reported to Council that several diseased and dying trees were noted on private property. As the Emerald Ash Borer kills more trees, this will become a dangerous situation and trees should be removed before they are completely dead. Letters will be mailed to property owners if we notice dying trees but the public is encouraged to be pro-active and remove diseased trees as soon as possible. Diseased and dying trees are covered under the nuisance abatement ordinance.

Mayor Pro-Tem Bouska asked for comments from the audience and there were none.

Brenno moved to adjourn at 7:50 pm. Carman seconded and it passed all ayes.  The next regular Cresco City Council meeting will be July 1, 2019 at 7:00 pm at Cresco City Hall.


Mayor Pro-Tem Amy Bouska
City Clerk Michelle Girolamo


Correction of Minutes from the Cresco City Council meeting on June 17, 2019


The corrected paragraph is printed below. All other portions of the minutes were approved as originally published.

Mayor Pro-Tem Bouska opened the public hearing on the proposed Ordinance No. 478 pertaining to urban chickens. There were no written comments. Duane Omar commented that he did not think livestock should be allowed in city limits. He also voiced concern over the enforcement of the chicken ordinance and the impact it will have for the police department. Gert Wheeler also commented that she did not think chickens should be allowed due to the smell and extra work for the police. Council Member Brenno commented that he was asked why we were allowing six chickens but only  a combined total of three cats and dogs, to which he had no answer. The public hearing was closed. Bouska performed the first reading of Ordinance No. 478. Carman made the motion to approve the first reading of the Summary of Ordinance No. 478. Fortune seconded. Fortune, Carman and McCarville voted aye. Brenno and Bouska voted nay. The motion passed by majority vote.


Mayor Pro-Tem Amy Bouska
City Clerk Michelle Girolamo
